Tuesday 17 January 2012

Best International calling cards and prepaid phone cards 2011

International calling cards are a cheap way of calling interstate, overseas or mobiles. With the increasing number of international phone cards with different call rates to different countries have you wondered which one is the best? Amantel have created a free service to help you to decide the best prepaid calling/phone card for you. Search for the cheapest rate now and buy a calling card.

Following is the best calling cards and phone cards Article in 2011-

Monday 29 August 2011

Save money while travelling to Sri Lanka

When you are traveling across the world, all the time has to worry about how to talk with your friends or how to communicate with your family. Stop thinking about it and just enjoy your trip-the solution is simple. If you have a mobile phone with you but shockingly find that it is not work properly because the mobile phone operator uses dissimilar technology or you don’t have long distance calling activated. In this situation, long distance calls are charge with high rates because of technology implicated, so calling cards is the affordable and best solution to communicate when you are traveling.